What is 404 Error is SEO and how to fix it?


Encounters with "404 errors" are a typical feature in the online experience for users. The frustration that comes with these error messages is only part of the story—they can have very real consequences, not only to the user but also to a website's search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience. Below is a detailed explanation of why 404 errors occur, why they impact SEO, and what best practices make a difference in their fix.

What Is a 404 Error?

A 404 error, also known as "error 404" or "page not found," is an HTTP status code that represents the server's inability to locate the requested webpage. When one attempts to access a URL that exists but has been moved, deleted, or without proper redirection, the server responds with a 404 error.

What Are the Causes of 404 Errors?

Broken Links: Links that lead to non-existent pages or resources are one cause of 404 errors when accessed.

Deleted Pages: When a webpage is deleted without implementing a redirect, users attempting to access the old URL will be unable to find it with a 404 error.

URL Changes: Altering URL structures without setting up redirects may result in 404 errors when redirecting pre-indexed pages.

Misspelled URLs: On the other hand, misspelled URLs or incorrect URLs can lead to the error when trying to navigate.

Implications of 404 Errors on SEO

Negative User Experience: If a website is presented with 404 errors, users are likely to perceive it as quite unreliable and unprofessional, which may raise mistrust and a lack of engagement.

Organic Traffic Loss: While the application of 404 errors causes degradation in search engine crawlers to index and rank affected pages, they reduce organic visibility and traffic to the site.

Backlink Dilution: Inbound links pointing to non-existent pages contribute to bad user experience, thus leading to diluted overall authority and link equity of a website.

Keeping a Check on the 404 Errors

Here are some practical solutions that will effectively remove these errors and enhance the SEO standing of the website:

Use Webmaster Tools: Technologies such as Google Search Console are capable of monitoring crawl errors and identifying where 404 pages are.

Conduct Regular Audits:  Generally, periodic audits can ensure the identification of outdated or poor-performing content that leads to 404 errors.

301 Redirects: A page that has either been moved or deleted is redirected to the equivalent and relevant content using the 301 permanent redirection.

302 Temporary Redirects: A link to temporarily unavailable content is redirected using a 302 temporary redirection that still preserves link equity and user experience.

Custom 404 Error Pages: Develop custom error pages where the user interface will redirect users to relevant websites or other crucial parts of the website.


404 errors greatly influence SEO and user experience and should therefore be taken with much care. Through proactive measures such as intentional access to 404 errors for improved response, implementing relevant redirects, creating custom error pages, and reactive strategies like link maintenance, websites could live up to SEO and enhance user experience. 

Source URL:- https://www.creationinfoways.com/news/what-is-404-error

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